Crush The Virus of Fake News – 2021 – Experimentalvideo – 68 Min
Ein Experimentalvideo, aus recherchiertem YouTube Material, dass neu geschnitten und komponiert wurde.
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Es wird der Frage nachgegangen, warum offensichtliche Lügen in jüngster Zeit in der Politik so grossen Anklang finden. Betrachten wir die dargelegten Falschaussagen objektiv, ist uns klar, dass dies nicht den Fakten entspricht. Doch scheint dies überhaupt keine Rolle mehr zu spielen. Denn Aussagen wie; «Es gibt nicht eine Wahrheit, es gibt nur mehrere Versionen!» oder es sei schwierig zu sagen «Was denn Korruption überhaupt sei. Sei sie einfach schlecht?» Diese Aussagen werden dann pseudo- analytisch untermauert. Anhand ständiger Reproduktion durch die soziale Medien wie; Twitter, YouTube, Facebook oder auch Nachrichtendienste wie Fox News, werden diese Inhalte systematisch gestreut und wiederholt, sie werden schlussendlich für viele Rezipienten glaubhaft, da die Rezipienten wie durch eine Hirnwäsche gelaufen sind. Die rhetorische Techniken die hier angewendet werden heissen «Firehosing»[1] und «Gaslighting».[2] Eine Art der Propaganda die zum Ziel hat die demokratischen Strukturen zu untergraben. Die Betrachter*innen befinden sich meist in einer verunsicherten Lebenslage und sind deshalb empfänglich für jene Rhetorik. Sie werden unter anderem gegen Minderheiten oder gar gegeneinander aufzuhetzen.

Videostill, Crush The Virus of Fake News, Vera Leisibach 2021, Source: CNN. “Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calls out Trump in five-minute corruption game.” YouTube, 08.02.2019, Accessed 15 January 2021.
[1] Kakutani, Michiko (2018). „The Firehose of Falsehood: Propaganda and Fake News“. The Death of Truth: Notes on Falsehood in the Age of Trump. Crown/Archetype. pp. 94–104.
[2] Marc Pitzke: Im Spiegelkabinett der Lügen.Der Spiegel, 21. März 2017, abgerufen am 21. März 2017. „Alternative Fakten“ ist Unwort des Jahres 2017. In: Der Standard, 16. Januar 2016, abgerufen am gleichen Tage. Someone bought the ‚alternative facts‘ website and did something utterly perfect with it. In: The Independent. 31. Januar 2017, ( Donald Trump Jr.: A reminder for @CNN and the rest of those in the mainstream media gaslighting.Twitter, 18. April 2019, abgerufen am 19. April 2019.

Videostill, Crush The Virus of Fake News, Vera Leisibach 2021, Source: CNN. “Cooper: We’ll leave the gaslight on, part 2.” YouTube,13 February 2018, Accessed 12 December 2020.
An experimental video that is edited and composed of found footage from YouTube, similar to a remix. The video explores the question of why obvious lies have recently become so popular in politics. If we look objectively at those false statements presented to us, it seems clear that they do not correspond to facts. But this seems no longer to play an important role at all. Because of statements like „There is not one truth, but only several versions of the truth!” Or it is difficult to say „What does corruption even mean, is it just bad?“. Statements like these are then pseudo-analytically supported. They are then distributed by constant reproduction through social media, such as Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube, and through news services such as Fox News. Through countless reproductions, they want to make us to believe them. In the end, lots of recipients really believe them because they have been brainwashed over time. The rhetorical techniques used here are called „Firehosing“ and „Gaslighting“. These are types of propaganda that aim to undermine democratic structures. The viewers are usually in an insecure situation and are therefore receptive to this rhetoric. Among other things, they will react against minorities or even against each other.

Videostill, Crush The Virus of Fake News, Vera Leisibach 2021, Source: The Daily Show with Trevor Noah. “How QAnon Is Taking Over The GOP | The Daily Social Distancing Show.” YouTube, 23 November 2020, Accessed 12 December 2020.
In the experimental video statements by Trump and his accomplices are discredited by himself or exposed by journalists in interviews. Obvious fake news is exposed mostly directly by Trump himself or his accomplices. The phrase „Crush The Virus“ refers to the virus of fake news, which is presented to us again and again by Trump and his accomplices. Fake News represents the virus that unfortunately many people in the USA and here have fallen for. Trump and his rhetoric, as well as those of QAnon people, have taken over, making this fake news rhetoric presentable. To remain critical and resilient towards fake news, that is constantly presented to us, we have to spend an incredible amount of energy on it. We watch how friends, family members, and acquaintances fall for it and we seem to be powerless against it. This video work tries with humor to find a playful approach to this frightening global development.
Trailer Crush The Virus of Fake News:
Sources Trailer:
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- Clips 8. “TRUMP: ‚Remember, what you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening‘.” YouTube, 24 July 2018, Accessed 12 December 2020.
- CNN. “Cooper: We’ll leave the gaslight on, part 2.” YouTube,13 February 2018, Accessed 12 December 2020.
- Fox News. “President Trump goes one-on-one with Chris Wallace | Full Interview.” YouTube, 19 July 2020, Accessed 12 December 2020.
- HuffPost Entertainment. “Donald Trump Says „China.“”YouTube, 28 August 2015, Accessed 12 December 2020.
- PBS NewsHour. “WATCH LIVE: Pelosi holds news conference as election counting continues.” YouTube,06 November 2020, Accessed 12 December 2020.
- 60 Minutes. “President Donald Trump: The 60 Minutes 2020 Election Interview.” YouTube, 26 October 2020, Accessed 12 December 2020.

Videostill, Crush The Virus of Fake News, Vera Leisibach 2021, Source: 60 Minutes. “President Donald Trump: The 60 Minutes 2020 Election Interview.” YouTube, 26 October 2020, Accessed 12 December 2020.
Full Version:
Sources Full Version:
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